5 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. After stumbling upon your organization through Carleton University’s website, I am so impressed by the work and goals of Recrear. I have worked in International Development in the nation’s capital for the past 2 years of my career and I have never stumbled upon a youth-managed development organization like this before. It’s very refreshing and inspirational to see what the youth are doing internationally, as we are under represented in this field.

    Keep up the great work!

    1. Kate!

      Thank you for your comments and support! Recrear very much believes in the importance of intercultural dialogue and since young people today have been raised in a more connected world, we believe our work and efforts should aim to build on this strength and unique advantage! Recrear members come from North America, South America, Europa, Asia, and Africa! So we are incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to work together in designing and implementing projects out of our own initiatives to engage and work with youth in other parts of the world.

      We have projects presently happening in Chittagong, Bangladesh from December 14th-21st and another one starting next week in Kazan, Russia! We would love to count on your support by simply signing up or sharing this blog and checking out our Holiday Season Wish List, here you will also learn more about our projects! https://recrearmagnify.org/2011/12/11/recrears-wish-list/

      Since you are involved in the international development field, we would LOVE to learn more of your work and contributions to the field! Please let us know if you are interested in becoming more involved with Recrear.


      -The Recrear Team

  2. I loved the article on Timbire, Ecuador! I lived there for two years and it brought me to tears to see the women, many of whom I knew as children. The history and life of this community is so interesting, I am so happy to see supportive organizations visiting and telling the world their story. Thanks for showing me images of my beloved Timbire!

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